Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Monday August 29

Woke up.   Put on my antibiotics and took my morning meds.  Colin got up, showered and left to go to the driving range.   I put chicken and salsa in the crock pot to have for dinner.

While he was gone I just layed in bed.  I was feeling pretty crappy.   Lightheaded, dizzy, weak, shaking and in pain.  I also had a horrible headache.  Colin came home around 11.   I got out of bed around 11:30 and made myself noodles for lunch.   After lunch I went back to bed.  

I stayed in bed until about 4.   I got motivated enough to shower and change my ostomy bag.  I changed my g tube dressing as well.   After I was all cleaned up I went to the kitchen and finished up dinner.  I made steamed mixed vegetables, rice and the chicken I put in the crock pot.  We ate dinner and I cleaned up the kitchen.   

I packed up my bag for clinic tomorrow.  I got all my meds together and packed an extra ostomy bag.  After I got everything together I went into the bedroom to lay down.   At 8 I took my meds and Colin came in and gave me my shot.  I drank my sleepytime tea and went to bed.   We have an early day tomorrow.

Sunday August 28

Woke up, took my meds, got showered.  Colin took me to the grocery store to grab something to make for lunch.  My parents went to my cousins wedding in Indiana and took the Ohio turnpike to the PA turnpike. They were going to be driving right past Pittsburgh so they called and said they were stopping for a visit.  

We got home from the store around 11:30.   I ate half of a tuna salad sandwich for lunch and some salsa and chips.  I put my pajamas on so I could be comfortable. Colin had cleaned up the house and did some laundry.   He left to meet a friend.  After he left, I put a movie on and layed on the couch.  Around 1:30 my mom and dad got there.  It was nice seeing them.   I got their lunch together.   They had turkey sandwiches, a pickle and potato chips.   I also made fruit salad to have as my test food for the day.   Mom had a little bit of it and I had a tiny bowl of it.   It was really good and super easy.  You put in one can of chunk pineapple with the juice.   Mix it together with one pack instant pudding mix.  Usually I use vanilla, this time I used banana cream.  It was really good with the banana and gave it an extra boost of flavor.  Then you add a can of mandarin oranges but you drain all the juice first.   Mix them in w/ the pineapple and pudding.  Then you add your fresh fruit.   You can add anything you like.  I added strawberries, blueberries and grapes.  So easy and delicious!

We watched tv for a little bit and mom decided she was going to go to the pool to hang out.  Dad wanted to go to the candy store where they sell vintage sides.  We walked mom to the pool so I could make sure she cou
d get in.  While I was there I grabbed the mail.   Dad and I got in the car and headed to Rocket Fizz. I picked out a mix and match six pack of soda.  They have the most amazing soda selection ever!!!  You can get anything from bacon flavored soda, pb&j, any flavor jolly rancher, orange cream sickle, banana flavored to gingerale, root beer, cola and so much more.  I got three root beer and three gingerale.   Dad ended up picking out five signs to put in his garage. He has been finishing up the garage.  It's almost complete.  It looks awesome.  He has been working really hard on it and it is paying off.  After Rocket Fizz we went over to Charming Charlie's and got two bracelets for mom.  They have such a huge selection of accessories and are extremely cheap.  

We went back to the apartment.  Mom was done at the pool and was changing when we got back.  I sat and went through the mail.  Mom had brought in a bag with some stuff in it for me to go through so I went through that and picked out what I wanted. It was close to 5 so I put on my antibiotic and got dressed in actual clothes instead of sweats.  

Then we headed to Rock Bottom for dinner.  They wanted to go to dinner but didn't want to go to a chain restaurant.   We were seated right away.  I ordered a pork bbq sandwich with French fries.   I ate about a quarter of the sandwich.  It was really good.   We sat at the restaurant for about an hour and just chatted.   After dinner we went back to the apartment and they got all their stuff together, packed up the car and headed home.   They left in the middle of a huge storm.  They called about two hours into their drive and said it was still storming really bad and that they weren't even going 40mph.  They didn't end up getting home until close to 10:30.

Colin got home around 7:30.   I had my pjs on and went to bed.   I watched tv for a little while until I finally fell asleep.   

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday August 27

Woke up early.  Put on my antibiotics and took my 6am meds.  I stayed in bed until my iv was done.  Colin left and went to the driving range.  While he was gone I showered and straightened up the bedroom.  I folded the laundry, unloaded the dishwasher and cleared off the desk.  Doing those three things took all my energy.  I layed down until Colin got home.  When he got home we ran to the grocery store to get a few things. 

We got home from the store.  I was completely exhausted and in a lot of pain.  I didn't use the scooter at the store.  I pushed a cart the whole way through. 

I helped Colin put away the groceries and heated up my lunch.  I ate the rest of my meatloaf and mashed potatoes.   I went into the bedroom to watch tv.  My pain is still pretty bad.  I wasn't able to sleep.  I just layed there like a vegetable watching lifetime movies.  

I got up and moving around 4:30.  I put on my antibiotic.  It was done a little after 5.  I went to the kitchen and made my dinner.  I heated up some leftover pot roast and put it on a half of a hamburger roll.   Then I had some tortilla chips and salsa. Colin had made himself a tuna fish sandwich.  We ate.  I cleaned up my mess.  I took my 6:00 meds and layed down.  I started to crave something sweet so I cut up a peach.  That was my evening snack and my "test" for the day. So far there isn't a change and I'm still having output.  That means my body is processing the food properly.  

I'm still having the stomach pain but am trying to work through it the best I can.  I'm going to have to track my symptoms along with the food to see if there is any correlation between the two.  I downloaded an ap to my phone and I'm really hoping it will turn out to be user friendly. 

I made my sleepytime tea, took my meds and am in bed watching My Big Fat Greek American Gypsy wedding.  Time to try and get some sleep.  Have a good night!! Sweet dreams!

Friday August 26

Woke up at 5.  Got dressed.  Took my meds.   Packed my backpack and got everything ready for my appointment.  

Got to clinic around 6.  They took us to a room right away.  Colin got me a hot chocolate.  The nurse came in and drew my labs.  When she was done I tried to take a nap but was unsuccessful.  

Bill came in and said my ostomy looks good.  He said he would be back with Dr. Gonoza with the lab results.  The doctors made their rounds and said all my labs looked good.  They were waiting to get the electrolytes back and if everything is good we can go home.   They said they would call in the afternoon to let me know about my prograf.  

While we were waiting, Lori,the nutritionist came in to talk about my diet in a little more depth.   She basically said I need to limit my calories to 1800 a day.  She said to cut back on sugars and maybe try stevia instead of regular sugar.  She also said I can eat fruits and vegetables.  I just can't eat leafy greens like spinach and kale.  Iceberg lettuce is fine.  I'm allowed to eat whole grain and wheat etc.   just no nuts or seeds.  She said to introduce these things a little at a time.   Maybe one a day.  She said portion control is really important especially with the gastroparesis. While she was finishing up talking to us, the nurse came in and said everything is good with the electrolytes.  She brought in the discharge papers and Lori gave us her email address in case we had any questions. 

We left clinic and went home.  I had leftovers for lunch.  After lunch I went to the bedroom to lay down. I took about an hour nap.  I was watching Real Housewives.  I didn't do anything the rest of the day.   Colin made dinner.  We had baked chicken, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies.  After dinner I made my tea and went to bed.  

Thursday August 25

Woke up, took my meds, ate breakfast and stayed in bed until about 11.  Made leftover stroganoff for lunch.  
Colin went to run some errands and pick up my prescriptions.  I layed back down for a little bit.

I got up around 4, showered and got dressed.  I had my first therapy appointment with one of the hospital psychologists.  We left the house around 4:45.  My appointment was for 5:30 and we wanted to give ourselves enough time to get there especially during rush hour traffic.  

We got there just in time.  Colin stayed in the car and waited and I went in to meet with Dr. Parsons.  We talked for about a half hour.   He was asking what my feelings were leading up to the transplant and how I felt when I got the call.  We also talked about my relationship with Colin and how much stronger it has gotten since we moved to Pittsburgh.   Then our time was up.   I have another appointment with him next week.  I'm going to see him weekly as long as I can.  He's also part of UPMC which is good because he can see the doctor's records and the doctors can see his.  

Colin picked me up at the door.  We left and had dinner.  We were home a little after 7.  When we got home I made my tea, took my meds and went to bed.  While I was in my therapy session my stomach started spasming.  It was a mix of my regular constant pain and sitting in a hard chair.  Clinic is tomorrow so I'll be up bright and early.

Wednesday August 24

Got up, put on my antibiotics.  Took my morning meds.

Colin went to the driving range.  While he was gone I showered and ate my breakfast.  I sat down at the computer desk and organized the mail.  I also went on the computer and paid bills.

Colin got home and he sat on the couch watching golf. I was still having a lot of pain so I went in the bedroom and watched lifetime movies.  I got up and made dinner.  I made beef stroganoff.  It was pretty good.  

After dinner I layed back down.  I have no energy and am constantly feeling weak.  I fell asleep a little after 9.  It was another lazy day but Bill told me not to push myself too hard.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday August 23

Woke up bright and early to head to clinic for my appointment.  We got there around 6.  Around 3am I started to get this horrible spasm type pain above my illeostomy.  The more I move the worse it gets.  They took my vitals once I got thrre.  My blood pressure was on the high side, my heart rate was over 100 nut that's pretty standard and my temp was 97.9.  

We were taken to a room and one of the nurses came in and drew my blood.  Bill came down to check on me.  He checked my ostomy and my stomach.  He also gave me some pain medicine for the spasms.  He told us he would be back with Dr. Gonoza and make their rounds.  Colin ran and grabbed a muffin for me along with hot chocolate so I could take my next round of meds.  The nurse came in and told me that my mag was low so had to hook up a bag and it runs over two hours.  She had it up and running within 10 minutes.  She also changed my picc line dressing and cleaned it really well.

I just layed in my bed until the docs made their rounds.  
They said everything looks really good.  The mag was low and my prograf dosage needs to be adjusted.  They think the pain is related to the gastroparesis and my diet.   They are going to have me meet with a dietician.   They said they want us to come back on Friday to check my prograf levels before the weekend.  Finding a happy medium with the meds, food and exercise (or lack there of).  One of these days we will have it all figured out.  All my meds were done a little after 10 and we were discharged around 10:30.  

We left and headed home.  We got back to the apartment and Colin got me settled in to bed and then he dropped my jeep off at the garage.  There have been issues with the air bag light and the horn going off randomly ever since they fixed it back in April.   They said they would take a look and let us know what's going on.   We are hoping it's going to be covered from when it was in the accident.  Fingers crossed.  He came home.  I had a half a sloppy joe sandwich and a handful of chips.

I layed down and was actually able to take a short nap.  I slept for about 45 minutes.  When I woke up I just chilled out in bed and watched tv.  Colin had put his roast in the crock pot before we left this morning so dinner was ready by 4.   I hooked up my antibiotic at 4 and it runs about a half hour.  Colin made mashed potatoes and we sat down and ate dinner around 5.  After dinner Colin cleaned up the kitchen and made some banana muffins.   A quick and easy mini meal for me to eat so I'm not taking meds on an empty stomach.  While they were baking I cleaned out the freezer.  It was an easy task and I was able to organize it better, make things more accessible and take inventory of what we have.  

When the muffins were done, I put them on a glass plate and let them sit to cool down.  Once they were cool I wrapped them with press n seal.  I also gave Colin one to be my taste tester.  He said it was good so I grabbed one to take with my night time meds.  

Around 8, I took my blood pressure and it was a little high again.  147/101.  I took all my meds including my blood pressure pills.  Had Colin give me my lovonox shot, took my pills and went back to bed.

I was having the spasms all day.  It's kind of like having a Charlie horse in your stomach.  I go back on Friday so hopefully I will have the opportunity to discuss it with the docs.  We will see.   Have a good night.  I will touch base tomirroe.  Lots of love💗i

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday August 22

Was up off/on all night last night.  I would fall asleep for an hour or two and then I would wake up and be up for an hour.   The pattern continued all through the night.  I got up and did my 6 meds and hooked up my iv antibiotics.   

Colin left around 7 and went to the driving range.  I stayed in bed and watched Real Housewives of NJ.  Gotta love trash tv!  Colin got home around 11.  He made lunch.  I had half a sloppy joe sandwich and some pasta salad (again).  

After lunch I got showered and dressed.  We went to the grocery store.  We didn't need much but we were out of the necessities like milk, water, toilet paper and eggs.  I wanted to push myself a little today because Saturday and Sunday were such lazy days.  I didn't take the motorized cart.  I took a regular cart and pushed it through the store.  About 2/3 of the way through I started to get dizzy and go into a fog.  I kept pushing myself and was able to finish shopping and I was even able to stand in line and check out.  It might not sound like much but that's a pretty big accomplishment for me.   

We got home and Colin carried in the groceries.   I started putting them away and when he got back to the apartment with the last load he helped me put the rest away.  

I put my pjs back on and went back to the bedroom to watch more trash tv.  Dinner time was fast approaching so we had pizza.   Colin also started dinner for tomorrow night.  We are having pot roast in the crock pot.  He marinated the meat, seared it and cut up the veggies.   He mixed everything together so all we will have to do tomorrow is plug in the crockpot, put it on low and it will be ready by dinner.  We planned out our meals for the week.  Pinterest is amazing.  I pick 4 dishes on Pinterest and make my grocery list based on that.  Then we eat leftovers the remaining days.  We also have 5 restaurant gift cards left.  Everyone sent me restaurant gift cards for my birthday.  We have been using them to go out to eat.  It was my request when being asked what I wanted for my birthday.  I don't need clothes, anything for the house or anything for myself and since I hadn't eaten in over a year, I requested restaurant gift cards.  I received 16 total.  It was pretty awesome!

I'm feeling better today than I felt yesterday.  Going to the store took a lot out of me though.  I took my last set of meds, layed down and am watching Real Housewives of OC.  

We have to get up at 5 tomorrow because we have to be at clinic at 6.  Hopefully I can get some sleep.  Have a good night!  Sweet dreams!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday August 21

Woke up a little before 6.   Took my meds and put on my iv antibiotics.  I had a banana for breakfast.   

Colin left around 8 and went to the driving range.  While he was gone I showered and changed.   I got really dizzy and light headed in the shower so I laid back down in bed.  

Colin came home around lunch time.  I heated up sloppy joes and had half a sandwich with some pasta salad.  I watched a little golf with Colin and then went back to the bedroom to watch Flip or Flop.  I stayed there until dinner.  Colin made spaghetti with meatballs for dinner.   We sat in the living room and ate.  After dinner I made a cup of sleepytime tea and went back to the bedroom to watch tv. 

I caught up on my emails and I went through my Facebook messages.  Around 8, Colin came in to give me my shot and I took the rest of my meds.  I had a really lazy day but feel so worn out.  I have no energy to do anything and the more I move around the more dizzy I get.   Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight and when I wake up in the morning I won't feel like this.  Wish me luck!!!   Have a good night!!

Saturday August 20

Woke up and took my 6 meds.  Fell back asleep until 8.  Got up and ate some cereal.  Took my 8 meds.  Put on my first antibiotic and just layed in bed.  Colin came into the bedroom and changed his clothes.   He has a bunch of free passes to one of the golf courses here so he went to go hit some balls at the driving range.  He wanted to go before it got too hot.  After he left my 1st antibiotic was done so I hooked myself up to the second one.  I stayed in bed and watched saved by the bell for a few episodes.  Then A League of their Own came on so I watched it.  Colin came home and made me lunch.  I had leftover sloppy joes and pasta salad.  I ate and went back to the bedroom and watched Sixteen Candles.  

I got up and motivated around 4.  We had made plans with Matt and Pete to go to a place called Willow.  They wanted to treat us to dinner because we hadn't seen them in about a month.  We finalized our plans and Matt made reservations for 6:30.  I got showered and changed my bag.  I got my meds together and hooked up my antibiotic.  Colin showered and got dressed.   We left the house and headed to the restaurant.  It was about 20 minutes from our place.  Not too bad of a drive.  I still had my antibiotics hooked up.  We rigged them in the car to keep the drip running so we wouldn't be late to meet them.  We got to the restaurant a little after 6.   The antibiotic runs on gravity and we still had about 1/3 of the bag left so Colin had me get out of the car and he hooked the iv bag high up on a branch in the tree we parked next to.   It was definitely a ghetto rig but it worked out really well.   It finished up in 5 minutes.  Matt and Peye got there a little before the iv was done so we just stood outside and chatted a bit.  

I cleaned everything up and we all went inside.  They seated us immediately.   It was a very nice restaurant.  They have a small menu and limited menu options but everything sounded amazing and to see the plates coming out of the kitchen was great.  All of the plates we saw looked delicious.  We ordered artisan bread as an appetizer.   I ordered agnolotti with mushrooms, Colun ordered the French Dip and Matt and Pete each ordered burgers.  The bread was even amazing.  They gave you two breads and two dipping sauces.  Our dinners were delicious as well.  Mine was basically a mushroom ravioli in a garlic type of sauce with quinoa.  I pushed the quinoa to the side because it's hard for me to process.  Colin's sandwich was huge.  He was only able to eat half.  Matt and Peye's burgers looked delicious as well.   You got a lot of food on your plate too so we had a couple to go boxes.  The waitress came back with dessert menus which we all declined since we were so full with our dinners.   She brought the check.  Matt was so gracious and paid for dinner.  He and Pete weren't able to attend the golf tournament and they wanted to do something nice for us.  It was very sweet of them.  We sat and chatted a little more.  Around 8 we left the restaurant, said our goodbyes in the parking lot and each headed home.  

It was nice to go out and spend some time with Matt and Pete.  I really enjoy their company.  We are going to try and figure out a way to get together once a week.  It will help break up the monotony.  We got home.  I put on my pjs, made my sleepytime tea and went to bed.  

Friday August 19

Was up at 5 to go to clinic.   We got there and they took my labs.   I was sneezing all night long and woke up with a headache and sore throat so they did a viral swab test where they stick this long qtip up your nose so far that it feels like it's poking your eyeballs.  Not the most comfortable thing but it's precautionary.  The doctor also ordered a blood test to check my heparin levels because the lovonox shots have my arms and legs swollen and black.  That's a four hour test.   They did the first portion of it around 7am so we had to wait until 11 to do the second portion.  They also decided to put me on trazadone to see if it would help with my poor sleeping.  He thinks my lack of sleep is due to the steroids but they have to keep me on the dose I'm on.  I also had a few prescriptions that I needed refills on as well so I gave them to Bill and he wrote new scripts for them.   Colin said he would drop them off at Target to get them filled.  He called the pharmacist at Target to make sure they had them.  There were a couple she had to order because they didn't have them in stock.  

Colin left around 8 to go to the cafeteria and get something to eat for breakfast.   While he was gone Dr. Cruz came in to my room and sat down beside me.  He told me that all my labs look good.   All my levels are where they should be.  He said that we just had to wait for the second set of bloodwork at 11 and then we could go home.   He said he would have them call us with the results so we didn't have to wait around.  

Dr. Cruz also said that he knows I'm discouraged and that the first 6 months after a transplant are hell.  He said that everything with the transplant itself is going really well and that all of my setbacks so far are off the wall / abnormal things that are more related to the medications and my blood pressure.  He told me that an intestinal transplant is the most difficult transplant you can get.  The recovery is more difficult than any other transplant you can get.  He assured me that things are moving in the right direction and it's going to be at least a year until I'm back to "normal" or whatever my new "normal" is going to be.  He squeezed my hand and told me I'm doing great and to keep listening to my body and not push myself too hard.  He also told me he was going to have my coordinator schedule my reversal surgery and that she will give me a call when it's scheduled.  I thanked him for everything and he left.

Colin came back and I told him about our conversation.  He was upset that he missed it but said that it all makes sense and will fall into place.  I worked on organizing some mail and paid some bills while we waited.   Colin and I also went for a walk up to the 11th floor to visit since we had time to kill.  

11:00 finanally came around.  They took the blood they needed and told us we could go home.   We headed home.  Once we got there Colin made me lunch.  Tuna salad in a wrap with some chips.  After lunch I went in to the bedroom and layed down.  Colin ran over to target to give them the prescriptions and to pick up the ones that they were able to fill.  He came back and sat in the living room watching golf.  I stayed in the bedroom and chilled out watching flip or flop.  Around 3, my coordinator called to tell me my heparin levels were high and that I need to adjust the dosage of lovonox.  I asked her if she was able to schedule my surgery yet and she gave me a date.  As of now, my illeostomy reversal surgery is scheduled for Oct 8.  As long as everything goes according to plan, I will be hospitalized for a week after surgery.  They said we will have to stay in Pittsburgh at least another month or two after the reversal.  I'm a little disappointed because they were telling us that surgery would be the second week of September but with Dr. Cruz taking time off for the baby (who is due today), his schedule booked up quickly.  

I got up and out of bed around 4.  I started making dinner.  We had homemade turkey sloppy joes with ranch roasted potatoes.  It was really good.  Colin got up and cleaned up the dinner mess I made in the kitchen.  I stayed in the living room and watched tv with him until about 7.  I made my sleepytime tea and went to bed.  I took my 8:00 meds a little after 8 and fell asleep a little before 10.  It was a long day!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Thursday August 18

Woke up and put on my antibiotics.  After they were done I got showered and dressed.

We went to visit a friend who was admitted to Allegheny Hospital.   We stayed about an hour or so.   She looked really good.  

We left and went back home.   I made noodles for myself for lunch and layed down.  I wasn't feeling well still.   I'm in pain, feeling very worn out.  I have no energy.   Every little thing I do takes a lot out of me.  I wasn't able to nap.   I just laid down watching tv.  

I got up and out of bed around 4:30.  Colin made turkey burgers for dinner and we ate around 5:30.  I put on my antibiotics and watched tv in the living room until they were done.   Once they were done I made some sleepy time tea and went to bed.  I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  When it was over I put on Chopped.  I couldn't fall asleep.   I was up until about 3am.  My alarm was set for 5 because we had to be at clinic at 6.  I woke up on my own at 4:30.   I'm already super exhausted.   I have to talk to the doctors today about the lack of sleep because I can't keep going like this.   It's really starting to take a toll on me.  Hopefully they can do something to help me.  I will keep you posted.

Wednesday August 17

Woke up, put on my antibiotics.  It takes about 2 hours to di them now because I have 2 different ones in the morning that take an hour each.  I wasn't feeling well.  I was having a lot of pain and was completely exhausted.   

I got showered and dressed.  Colin made lunch.   I sat in the living room and ate.  He made tuna salad wraps. After lunch I put my pajamas back on and laid back down.   Colin went and ran some errands while I rested.  

After he got home we had dinner.  I had put ribs in the crock pot earlier in the day so we had ribs, baked potatoes and baked beans.  

After dinner I went back to bed.  I watched lifetime movies.   I was up most of the night.  I am still not sleeping.  I have tried so many things and nothing is working for me.  It is really starting to effect me.   I'm not sure if that's part of my not feeling well,

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday August 16

We were up bright and early this morning to go to clinic.  I woke up with a sore throat and my tongue felt like it was swollen.  We stopped and grabbed a dozen donuts for the nurses.  They always enjoy breakfast.  

We got there and were taken back to our room.  We were settled in by 6:30 am.  Bill stopped in to check on me.  He looked in my mouth and said he thought it was thrush and would talk to Dr Cruz to see what he wanted to do.  

My biopsy wasn't scheduled until 8:00 so they drew my labs and got things started on that end.  I took all my morning meds and hung out chatting until it was time for the biopsy.  I really like the doctor who did it.  She has done a couple of mine so far.   

Unfortunately.....she got to a certain point in the intestine about 10cm in and there was that stupid kink that likes to make me miserable.  She had to get to 20cm so she blew air into it, pushed the scope a little further and repeated several times.  I just layed
There in excruciating pain with tears rolling down my face.   It is an uncomfortable procedure when everything is open and moving through.   The kink is just the natural movement of the intestine.   There's nothing wrong with it ..... It's just a matter of timing since the intestine is always contracting and moving.  

Once the doctor was done, they gave me some pain medicine and moved me to a different room.  The transplant team came in and said everything looks good as far as they can see from the scope.   They took 3 good samples to send for the biopsy.  I should get the results back at some point tomorrow.   They also said that all my labs look good.  They added an antibiotic to my daily regimen of meds to see if clears it up along with the swish and swallow med I do four  times a day so hopefully that will go away quickly.  The thrush is uncomfortable.  It makes your mouth sore, puts a fuzzy white coating on your tongue and the worst part is that you can hardly taste anything.  Hopefully it will feel better by tomorrow.  That's the easy ailment to deal with.   The stomach pain from the nausea is still awful.

We left the hospital and we're headed home by 10:30.  We went to the grocery store and grabbed some things for dinners the next few days.  We got home and Colin made tuna salad wraps for lunch.   They were delicious!  After lunch I put on my pjs and layed down to try and nap.  I wasn't able to fall asleep so I played games on my phone and watched tv until dinner time.   Colin made mushroom pizza for dinner.  It was pretty good.   We ate and watched tv for a little bit.   Then Colin took me to target to pick up a prescription.  Of course as soon as we started making our way to the car it started terentially down pouring.   It was raining so hard the rain was sideways.  He dropped me off at the door to target.   He parked the car and met me inside.  We got my prescription and some sunscreen because I ran out.  

We headed back home.  Once we got home, I put my pjs back on, took my meds and went to bed.  I turned on my oil infuser with some lavender oil and I sprayed my pillows with lavender.   It's supposed to work so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I will get some sleep tonight!   It's long overdo.   I'm also going to try and find a nice background noise app on my phone for the white noise to see if that helps.  

I will let you know what tonight brings.   Have a good night and sweet dreams!

Monday August 15

Woke up.  Organized and packed my bags.  Changed my ostomy bag and showered.  Called Colin and we were on the road by 9:00.  Headed back to Pittsburgh!!!

The drive was nice. No traffic.  Pretty uneventful.  We only stopped once along the way.  We were back in Pittsburgh by 12:30.   

I was really tired by the time we got back.  You don't realize how exhausting a car ride is until it's over.  I layed down as soon as we got home.  I fell asleep for a couple of hours.  Colin woke me up to eat dinner.  I ate and layed back down for a little bit.  I got back up around 7:30, made my tea, got my meds together and had Colin give me my shot.  After that I turned in for the night.  I wasn't able to fall asleep right away because I had just napped so I layed in bed watching housewives for a little bit.  

I finally fell asleep after 1.  I had to set my alarm clock for 5am since we have clinic Tuesday.  I'm getting a scope and biopsy.  I will let you know how I make out.  Wish me luck!!!

Sunday August 14

Woke up.  Showered, took my meds.   Had a horribly sleepless night.  I woke up feeling completely worn out and exhausted.  I got motivated and went downstairs.  Amber came with the twins and took me over to Cyndee's to go through some of my clothes and grab some stuff to take back to Pittsburgh with me.  The boys played with their golf clubs.  Colin was teaching them how to hit.  They were also climbing trees in the back yard.  

When we were done she dropped me off at my parent's house.  I put on my pjs and layed down when I got there.  I took a short nap.  When I woke up I went downstairs and watched tv with my parents.  We ordered dinner and ate around 4:30.  Shawn came down to the house to visit for a little bit.  He stayed about an hour.  After he left Amber, Bobby, Carter and Caden came to visit.   We hung out and watched tv. They left to go home around 8.  We said our goodbyes.  Shawn ended up stopping back with Courtney.  They stayed about an hour.  I said my goodbyes to them and went to bed.  

I was exhausted most of the day.  Still recuperating from Saturday.  I was weak and shaky and just felt completely run down.  

It was a pretty uneventful day but I really needed it.  

Saturday August 13

Woke up.  Took my meds and showered.  Hung out at my parents house with the twins.  I started to get tired so I went upstairs and layed in bed for a little bit.  I got out of bed around 10 and got ready for the golf tournament.  

Got to the golf tournament around 11.  Everyone was still out golfing.  I took Caden and a golf cart and we rode around the golf course looking for Colin.  We found his group eventually.  They were playing pretty well.  I only stayed for a few minutes and then I headed to the clubhouse where it was air conditioned.  I sat there for a little bit and then went to the picnic pavilion where they were serving the food and had all of the prizes, raffles, etc.  

I saw so many people I hadn't seen in a while.  It was so nice catching up with everyone.   It was even nicer that I was able to stay in one place and everyone could come to me.  It was scorching hot and after about an hour and a half I was starting to feel the effects of the heat.   It was really draining.  I stayed at the tournament until the end when they announced the winning team.  Brandon's team won.  They played really well.   They won gift baskets along with a beautiful trophy made by Josh Mauger.   The work that he does is amazing.  


A special thank you to Brian who helped coordinate the whole thing and kept everything running smoothly.  

I had my mom take me home from the tournament around 2.  I went upstairs, put on my pjs and layed down.  I fell asleep almost immediately.  I was so exhausted between the heat and the activity of the day. I woke up around 4 and was lazy the rest of the evening.  I had a headache and was feeling weak and exhausted.  I spent the evening watching lifetime movies.   

All in all the tournament was a huge success.  Colin pulled it off without a hitch.  It was really great to see everyone who came out to support us!!  

Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday August 12

Woke up, showered, changed my ostomy bag and took my 6am meds.  I sent Amber a text to see if she wanted to go to breakfast.  She picked me up a few minutes later and we went to Park City Diner.  The twins came along.  We had a nice breakfast.  They have really good food and a huge menu to choose from.  I got a skillet breakfast that was homefries, eggs, ham and cheese all mixed together and basically made into a casserole.  

After breakfast we ran to TJ Maxx so Amber could look for some shorts.  I ended up getting two pairs of shorts and Amber got a couple of things.  We left there and headed to the dollar store sonAmber could grab a couple things.  After Dollar Tree she took me back to mom's and I chilled on the recliner for a little bit.  I was exhausted after our morning.

Around 11:30, Alesha came over with Gage, Charlotte and Westin.  It was my first time meeting Westin.  He's already 6 months old!!!  It's crazy to me how big he was.  Alesha brought lunch and some snacks for everyone.  We played with the kids and chatted to catch up.  She stayed for about two hours.  I think she knew I was exhausted and she wanted me to be able to lay down and take a nap.  She gathered all her things together and loaded up the kiddos.  Josh and Alesha have been extremely supportive through everything and are always there for us if we need them.  They are truly genuine and have become great friends.  We enjoy spending time with them and the kids.  We love them to death.  

After Alesha left, I went upstairs, changed in to my pjs and layed down to try and take s nap.  I fell asleep almost immediately.  I slept for a little over an hour but woke up because there was a horrible thunderstorm.  I stayed in bed a little and watched tv.   

When I finally got motivated I put some clothes on and went downstairs,  I made some chicken noodle soup for dinner and had some watermelon and cantaloupe.  

Mehgan was heading in to town after work and was going to pick me up and take me to her parent's house so I could visit for s couple of hours.  It was about 6:30 and I hadn't heard from her so I called to make sure she was ok.  There were bad storms around her house so she was waiting for them to pass before she left to come to Lancaster.  We talked a little bit and I decided not to go since I had a long day and wouldn't get to see her until after 7:30.  By that time I would only have gotten to stay about an hour and I had a bunch of 8pm meds to take.  Hopefully I can work something out to see her tomorrow.  It feels like forever since I last saw her.  I can't wait to see her belly!!  It's going to be weird seeing her pregnant.  I'm so excited for her and David!!!  

After I made the decision not to go, I ran to Boscovs with my mom.  I rode in the transporter and mom pushed me around the store.  We got a few sundresses $3.99 each!!! The sundresses are easier for me right now because my pants hit in a really awkward spot on my abdomen which becomes very uncomfortable after about an hour.  We left the mall.  We were only there about a half hour.  We headed home.  When we got home I did all my meds, ate a little ice cream and headed to bed.  I'm having a good time being home.  I miss it so much!!!  I only have two days left.  Tomorrow is going to be a busy day because of the tournament.  I'm so excited to be able to go for a small portion of the tournament and see everyone.  I'm going to head over there around lunch time to see everyone.  I'm not supposed to be in the sun and I'm supposed to limit my time in the heat.  By going later, I'll get to spend more time with people and catching up because they will be done with their golfing at that point.  

I better try a little harder to fall asleep.  Hopefully I can get some good pictures tomorrow and I will share them with you.  I will post more tomorrow.  Have a good night and sweet dreams!!  

Thursday August 11

Was up off/on last night.  There were random thunderstorms that woke me up along with my standard uncomfortable/pain-filled evening.  

I went downstairs to see if Dad could give me my lovonox shot before he left to go to work.  He gave me my shot, I took my 6am meds and went back upstairs to try and get some more sleep.  I woke up and got out of bed before 8.  Mom was making blueberry muffins so I had one along with my 8am meds.  

Amber came over with the twins to hang out.  We watched cartoons and played some games.  Dana stopped around 10 with Autumn.  It was good to see them. They stayed a couple hours and we hung out.  I also got a visit from Jamie, Aubrey and Lizzie.  We hung out for about an hour catching up.  It was really good to see them.  I haven't seen them since right around Christmas.  Jamie and the girls left and then Dana did shortly after.  She wanted to take Autumn home to sleep becuse she works 3rd shift and hadn't gone to bed yet.  She said she was coming back and would try to bring Adam along with her.  
Amber left around noon.  Around 1, Amanda came over with Georgette (her mom) and Sofia.  Sofia painted me a beautiful picture.  Amanda left the twins at home with their grandfather because they are into everything.  We hung out in the living room and talked.  Dana came back while they were there.  She couldn't get Adam to come along with her.  We had a really nice visit.  Sofia was loving playing with the twin's toys.  Mom kept taking her upstairs to the play room and she would bring down a toy or two and play. Amanda left around 2 so she could relieve her dad.  I really miss her and her family.   They are really good people who would do anything for you.  

Dana left around 2:30.  She was going away for the weekend and leaving on Friday so we said our goodbyes and she left.  I was exhausted from all the visitors.  I went upstairs and took a nap to recharge.  I slept about an hour and a half.  I got up and threw on a sundress.  Around 5:30, Amber and Bobby and the twins picked me up and we headed over to Cyndee's house.  

A bunch of people were meeting there to finalize the golf stuff.  Colin went and got pizza for everyone for dinner.   Kelly, Melissa, Amber, Bobby, Carter, Caden, Jeremy, Janel, baby Madon, Brynn and Rib were all there to get everything together and finalized.  It was great having all the help!!!!  Thank you guys for everything.  We were able to accomplish everything in under two hours.  It was extremely helpful.  Carter and Caden spent a lot of time outside climbing the pine tree.  Cyndee was extremely helpful as well.  She played with the boys and helped with the baskets.  Halfway through Quinn and Phenix came by with baby Iteland.  My neice that I haven't met yet.  She is one adorable baby.  She has the chunkiest cheeks and is a really happy baby.  It was nice to catch up.  Everyone was done and left by 8:30.  

Amber dropped me off at my parent's.  I went upstairs as soon as I got home, put on my pjs and went to bed.  It was a long day but I'm learning how to pace myself. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight even though I was exhausted beyond belief.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday August 10

Had a better night last night.  I slept a little more so that was good.  

Colin got to the hospital around 6.  At 6:30 Dr. Cruz and Bill came in to do their rounds.  He said everything was good on my labs and all the discharge paperwork was in.  They had to give me some iv replacements and as soon as they were done we could go home!!!!   I was so excited!!!  We had been debating and discussing me going to Lancaster this weekend with Colin for the golf tournament.  Dr. Cruz said to go. He thinks I need to get away and need a break.   

All my replacements/iv meds were done by 10.  We went back to the apartment.  I showered as soon as we got home.  After my shower I packed up my suitcase and all my medical supplies.  We loaded up the truck and were on the road around 11:30.  

The ride is pretty uneventful.   Halfway there we started listening to the iTunes on my phone because we couldn't get a clear radio station to come in.  The Fight Song by Rachel Platton started playing.  Halfway through the song I just got completely overwhelmed with emotion and started crying.   That song is my theme song.  It reminds me of everything I've been through.  Once the song was over we talked about what we've been through and how we did it.  This whole situation has brought Colin and I so much closer.  It has definitely been a test of our relationship but luckily it has made us so much stronger as a couple.  

We stopped at the last rest stop before our exit and I took my meds and went to the bathroom.  We were back on the road in 5 minutes.  We got to my parents house around 3.  Colin unloaded all my stuff and I went in and layed on the couch.  He left and went to his mom's.  

I rested a little bit but needed to go to the store to get a couple things.  Mom took me to the store.  We got home and Dad was home from work.  We sat down and had dinner.  Shawn came over and hung out for a little bit.  He left and got Courtney and brought her to the house too.  I was so exhausted from the ride that I ended up falling asleep on the couch.  Shawn woke me up to say goodbye and he and Courtney left.  I took my night time meds and went upstairs to bed for the night. I had a really eventful day even though most of it was in the car.  It took a lot out of me. I'm laying in bed now watching the lifetime movie network.  Hopefully I'll get a good night's sleep and you do too!!!  Sweet dreams!

Tuesday August 9

Woke up early.  The nurse gave me my meds and Colin came in.  Watched tv until the doctors made their rounds.

The docs got there around 7:30.  They said everything in my labs for the morning were good and that the biopsy was good.  They decided to up my diet to full liquids which is puddings, puréed soups, ice cream, yogurt etc.  They said if I tolerated it ok that they would discharge me first thing Wednesday morning.
They left and Colin and I watched tv and did some things on the computer for the golf tournament.  

Colin left around 2 to run some errands and pack stuff up for the trip back to Lancaster.  I took a nap and watched tv.  I took a walk in the evening down the hall and back.  I am still having pain but it's a lot better than it was.  I settled myself in and went to bed around 9:30 after they gave me all my meds etc.  

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday August 8

Colin came in early and woke me up.  I had finally fallen asleep around 4am.  I was dozing on and off until about 7.  The nurse came in and said they were taking me for my scope and biopsy at 8:15.  She gave me my meds and we waited for transport.

Transport came and got me around 8:30.  They took me to 7 west to have the procedure.   They prepped me and did it right away.  They said everything on the scope portion looked great.  The biopsy results won't be back until tomorrow.  After the scope I was in even more pain.  They blew me up with a lot of air which causes my stomach to be even more distended.  

They took me back to my room and I took a short nap. Colin went to grab something to eat and I watched tv.   We didn't do anything else.   He left around 4 and I watched some lifetime movies.  I am still having a lot of pain and my nausea is getting worse.  I have had a lot of output so hopefully things are moving since I'm not eating.

We will see what they say tomorrow.   Hopefully I'll have a good night tonight and so will you!!   Sweet dreams!

Sunday August 7

Woke up when Colin came in in the morning.  Ordered my breakfast.  Breakfast came about an hour later.  Aren't breakfast and layed down.  Dr. Cruz came in to give us the results of the ct scan.  

My stomach was completely full.  It is 2x the size it should be and is not emptying.  He thinks this is what is causing all the pain and nausea.  He also said my liver is getting fatty again between eating and the meds and that we have to keep an eye on it.  He told me not to eat anything for the day and that I could have clear liquids.  He said they were going to scope me and do another biopsy on Monday.   

I was in tears when he was talking to me.  I know that nothing major is wrong it's just frustrating that I feel so terrible over something so stupid.  I am in a lot of pain and I feel like it's for a really stupid reason.  Dr. Cruz told me not to worry and be upset because everything is fine.  He changed around the pain meds to give me a little more releif.

I spent the rest of the day laying in my hospital bed because I was too weak to get up and walk around.  We tried walking the hallway and I was in excruciating pain by the time I was halfway down the hall so we turned around and went back to my room.  

Colin left fairly early to get some stuff done at the apartment.  I napped off and on throughout the afternoon and evening.  The nurses had me up most of the night giving me meds.  

Saturday August 6

Woke up feeling exhausted and weak.  Took my meds and ate my breakfast.   Layed in bed until about 9:30.  Mustered up enough motivation to get up and showered.  

Got showered and dressed.  Colin had been talking about going to the outlets so I told him we could do that so I could get out of the house for a little bit.  We went to the outlets.  I was still feeling pretty exhausted.   He pushed me in the transporter so I didn't have to walk.  We went in to two stores.   I was feeling worse by the minute.   He could tell I wasn't doing well so we left and headed home.  In the car ride on the way home he was talking to me and I was dozing off.  I would be mid sentence and fall asleep.  We got home, I ate a little lunch and put on my pjs and went to bed.  I was getting worsening pain in my abdomen, I was dizzy, shaking, weak and nauseous.  I stayed in bed until about 4.  Colin was getting more and more worried and wanted to take me to the ER.   I compromised and called the transplant coordinator on call.  They called back and told me to go to the ER to be checked out.  They called ahead to let them know we were coming.  

We got to the ER and they took me to a room right away.  I ended up getting another ct scan which they were trying to avoid because I've had so many.  They admitted me for observation.  I was taken to a room but they didn't have the results of the ct scan back yet so they said the doctor would review it with me in the morning.

They gave me pain and nausea medicine to make me as comfortable as possible.  Colin went home and I tried to get some sleep.

Friday August 5

A pretty uneventful day.  Woke up.  Went to the grocery store.   Spent a lot of time laying in bed in the afternoon.

Made lasagna for dinner.  Cleaned up the food cabinet.  Cleaned out the refrigerator.  Started working on sorting out the mail.  Helped Colin gather some of the golf stuff up and organize it.

After dinner I took my meds and went to bed.  I was exhausted.  

I didn't sleep well and was up most of the night.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thursday August 4

Woke up st 5.  Got dressed, took my meds, packed my backpack for clinic.  Got together my gift basket for Dr. Cruz.  He and his wife are having a baby girl.  She's due on the 19th of August.  We wanted to do something nice for him after everything he has done for me.  There's no comparison in the fact that he is giving me my life back and I bought a couple things for his baby but I wanted to do something to show him that we appreciate him.  

On the way to clinic we decided to stop and get donuts.  They didn't open until 6 so Colin dropped me off at clinic first and he ran out and got two dozen donuts for the nurses.  They have also done so much for us and it's nice to show them you appreciate them every once in a while.  He got back to clinic around 6:15. I wasn't there by myself for long.   The nurses were all happy for the treat.  

Bill came in a little before 7:00 to check on me and look at my belly.  My stoma and output all looked good and my abdomen wasn't as distended as it had been.  Around 8:00, the doctor doing the scope came in.  He had a fellow with him and she was the one who did it.  It was pretty uncomfortable but nowhere near as painful as the one from last week.  The doctor said everything with the scope and the tissue in the intestine looked good.  We are just waiting on the biopsy results.   They should be back tomorrow at some point.  They said they will call me and let me know.  I had to do a replacement via iv for magnesium because it was low.  Other than that all my labs look good.  

Colin went outside to use the phone.  While he was gone I had to pee.  I stood up and put on my flip flops so i could walk to the bathroom.  All of a sudden I was soaked.  My ostomy bag was full and it broke.  It was all over my shirt, in my underwear, all through my pants, in my flip flops....all over the floor.  It was a huge mess.   It was so embarrassing.  The nurses came in to help me clean up.  They gave me disposable one size fits all paper scrub pants.  They were huge!!!!!!  I didn't have a choice so I put them on anyway.  I had a spare shirt in my backpack so I put that on.  Colin got back to the room while we were cleaning up and I asked him to go home and get me some new clothes.  He left and I went to the bathroom.  Luckily I only had about another hour until my iv was done.

I went back to my room and got back into bed.  I dozed off for a few minutes and then Colin got there with my clean clothes.  I changed and by the time I was done my iv meds were finished too.  They unhooked me and we were discharged.  The full morning took a lot out of me.  We got out of there around 11.  

We got home, I heated up the Chinese leftovers for lunch, put on my pjs and ate some lunch.  After lunch I went in to the bedroom to watch tv and relax.  I fell asleep and apparently slept for three hours.  I accomplished NONE of my goals for the day.  I woke up around 4.  I called and ordered more ostomy supplies because I was running low.  That process took about a half hour because they are so disorganized.  

When I got off the phone with them I heated up dinner.  I had leftover spaghetti oh's.   Colin wasn't hungry yet so he didn't eat anything.  I was in the mood for something sweet so I made myself a smoothie.  It was delicious!!!  It was banana, cantaloupe, strawberries, yogurt and a splash of apple juice.  It made two servings so I gave Colin half.  He liked it too.  I'm going to try and drink at least one smoothie a day.  It will help with my sugar cravings but actually be good for me.  I'm probably going to be on Pinterest all night looking for some more smoothie recipes. 

Colin started to get hungry so I heated up some pizza for him.  We watched tv for a little bit.  I took a shower and changed my ostomy bag scrubbing myself really well around the stoma after my explosion.  After the shower I was done for the evening.  I got my sleepy time tea and went to the bedroom to lay down.  I'm still not sleeping yet but I think my nap threw me off schedule.  Oh well....at least I got some sleep.  It's time to try to fall asleep.  I hope you have a good night!!!  Sweet dreams!

Wednesday August 3

Woke up.  Took my meds.  Cleaned up the desk and organized some bills.  Had some cereal for breakfast.  

Colin went for a bike ride.   While he was gone I put dinner in the crock pot so we could have something other than fast food or takeout.  When he got home he showered and then we ran to Gabriel Brothers so I could look for some sports bras.  We got a couple of things.  They really didn't have too much.  After walking around the store for a while I was exhausted.  We were going to go to the grocery store but I didn't have the energy so we went back home and I put my pjs on and laid down on the couch.  For some reason I got a craving for Chinese food.   We found a Chinese restaurant close by so we called and ordered and Colin went and picked it up.  It was really good.  It wasn't super salty like Chinese food typically is.

After I ate I went to the bedroom to lay down.  I didn't sleep.  I just watched tv and relaxed.  Around 5 I got up to get dinner together.  While I was getting the pasta ready, Colin ran and returned the movies we rented.  

Dinner was ready as soon as he got back.  It was really good.  I made bruschetta/balsamic chicken over angel hair pasta.  It was super easy and a weight watchers recipe I found on Pinterest.  I would highly recommend it.  I'm going to attempt to eat better because I started gaining weight now that I can eat actual food.  

I have a scope and biopsy tomorrow so I can't eat past 8.  I am still having pain but it's better than it has been.  I'm still exhausted but I'm really learning my body and learning when to stop and relax.  I'm pushing myself but not too far.  Colin is also really good at being able to read me and gauge how I'm feeling,  If we are out and he thinks I'm doing too much he makes me stop and take a break.  We are learning to work together.  I know I don't say it enough and I have a hard time showing it but I don't know how I would do this without him.  I love him more and more each day.  We have our moments but he is always supportive and looks out for my best interests.  I know I can be really mean and nasty at times (he likes to blame it on the steroids), but a lot of it is out of frustration.  I love you Colin and I'm sorry you are my target when I'm having a bad day.  ðŸ˜˜

Well...bedtime is early since I have to get up at 5 for clinic.  I'll post more tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tuesday August 2

Woke up at 5 to get ready to go in to clinic.  I was feeling awful.  I was extremely nauseous, having a lot of abdominal pain and was all out of sorts.  

We got to clinic a little before 6 and they took me back right away and got me into a bed because I was so out of it.  They did my labs right away and Bill came in to check on me as soon as the nurse told him how I was feeling.

The blood cultures came back and I tested positive for a line infection.  Basically I had an infection in my picc line which went in to my bloodstream.  They took me down to have the picc line removed right away.  They pulled the line out of my right arm and put a new one in my left.   The procedure took a little longer than they thought it would.  We were taken back to my room and they hooked me up to antibiotics.  They said that once the antibiotics were done we could go.  We were there until about 1.  We came back to the apartment and I put my pjs back on and went to the bedroom to lay down.  

I stayed in bed the afternoon.  I got up and moving around dinner and ate my Cheesecake Factory leftovers.  Colin went out and went for a bike ride to burn off some energy.  I took my 6:00 meds, showered and changed my osteomy bag.  The shower really wore me out so I put my pjs on (of course!) and went to bed.   Colin got me up to take my night meds and to hook me up to the antibiotic.  

I fell asleep pretty quickly but was up around midnight and couldn't fall back asleep.  It was a long night.  I couldn't get comfortable because I was in so much pain.   I hope tomorrow is better and the antibiotic starts to work.  Fingers crossed!!!  I'll touch base tomorrow.

Monday August 1

I can't believe it's August already.  It's so crazy!!  I woke up early to take my medicine.  I went back in the bedroom and waited for Kelly to wake up.

She got up and started getting ready and packing her stuff up to go home.  While she was getting ready, Colin got home.  He left really early and was home by 9:30.   Colin helped Kelly pack up her car.  We said our goodbyes and she headed out to go home.

After she left, Colin and I hung out and watched tv.  We were both really tired so we took a nap after lunch.  We didn't do much else the rest of the day except relax.  I was exhausted and he no energy.   As the day went on, I slowly started to feel worse.  I stayed in bed all evening.

I didn't sleep well that evening.  I was really out of sorts and just couldn't get comfortable.  I was having a lot of pain in my abdomen as well.   We had a clinic appointment on Tuesday so I decided not to call the on call nurse and just wait until my appointment.

I was up all night because once again I couldn't get comfortable.  It was a long night. 

Sunday July 31

Today was a lazy day!   I showered and got dressed.   About an hour after getting dressed I put my pjs back on.  We weren't going anywhere so I figured I might as well stay comfy.

Kelly and I lounged all morning and afternoon.  We took a nap after lunch.  When we got up it was close to dinner time.  I still had a Cheesecake Factory gift card we hadn't used so we decided to go to Cheesecake Factory.  We took our time getting ready and headed to the restaurant.  

When we got there we were seated right away.  We sat outside because it was such a beautiful evening.  The sun was shining and it wasn't too hot.  

We ordered appetizers and our dinners.  We just relaxed and chatted.  Dinner was delicious as always.  I've never had a bad meal there.  After dinner we ordered cheesecake to go.  I got a butterfinger cheesecake and Kelly got white chocolate raspberry.  

We got done around 6:30 and headed home.  We got home and put our pjs back on.   Kelly painted and I laid on the couch.   We watched HGTV house hunters.  

We had a really good day.   It was a lazy day but it was really nice to do nothing.   Kelly fell asleep on the couch and I went in to bed around 9:30.