My alarm went off around 5. Nice and early. I got dressed and ready for my clinic appointment. I grabbed all my meds and flushes I needed so that I had everything for the day just in case. I packed everything up and put it in Colin's backpack.
I stripped the bed down and threw threw the sheets and pillowcases in the washer with bleach water. One of my lovonox shot spots started bleeding and there was a couple small spots of blood on my sheets. I grabbed a clean set of sheets and a clean comfortable out of the hall closet and put it on the bed in case we had a long day at clinic.
We arrived at clinic a little before 6. We were taken back to my room around 6:30. I layed there for about a half hour and the nurse came in. They drew a LOT of blood today. They are checking for anything and everything. She told me my scope was scheduled for 8. The nurses kept coming in my room messing with the computers and the suction. They couldn't do the procedure because nothing was working. They cancelled my illeoscopy in 7west but were able to touch base with the guy doing the scope and he was able to fit me in at 1:00. Around 11:30, the transport team came and got me and brought me down to the GI lab. Colin came with me and they allowed him to come back to their holding area where they get you ready and prepped for procedures and surgery.
They got me ready and took me back to the procedure room. I was awake through the procedure. Of course I was already in pain. Then they got to that spot where I sometimes get a kink in the intestine. It's about 10-15 cm in when they start exploring. They really make it hurt and swollen because they have to pump it with air and water to try and expand it to get in a little further so that they are grabbing samples from different areas. They were finally able to get samples and I got dressed again. It was extremely embarrassing. It's hard enough doing things the way that we did originally
Colin ran back out to the car. He grabbed the backpack and my purse. I gave him some $ in case he wanted anything from the cafeteria. By the time I got dressed and got the antibiotics for you Colin Carlock.
He may not have been up my butt all day today. They brought out the dishes. The quinoa was the biggest downfall for all Lancaster and the food. Want me to try and plan with you?!?
I'm working with Bill. Jess said that I could run mine as long as I'm the one hooking it up. I put on my antibiotics and ran them until they were done. Once they were I friended them on Facebook. I have to
Email her for homesick info (I like to do that fast. . They just give the info with whatever they have that day. I'll look into some things to Do That are free so I can.
It's way past my bedtime. I will update tomorrow. Have a good night!