Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday March 2

Can you believe it's March already?!?!   It's crazy how time flies.  It's almost going to be a year since my transplant.  I'm so blessed to have been able to come this far.  It's amazing what my body has endured and I have God to thank for that.  He has definitely tested me but guided me through as well.  

Yesterday I went to 7West in clinic.  Everything looked good on my labs.  Dr Gonoza was happy with everything and I didn't need any supplements.  The main problem I'm having right now is my back, hip and leg pain.  He is going to have me consult with an orthopedic doctor to see what is going on.  They are supposed to schedule an appointment and get back to me.  Hopefully that will give me some answers.  After clinic we headed home and had lunch.  I made buffalo chicken sliders.   They were really hot.  I added lots of blue cheese to mine to cut the heat.  

After lunch I layed down for a little bit.  I got out of bed around 4 and showered.  We went to the book store to get out of the house for a little bit.  We came back home and I got ready for bed.  We layed out all my medicines for the week and I went to bed.

I had a pretty sleepless night last night.  I was having a lot of pain and was uncomfortable.  Today is just going to be a lazy day.  I'm having pain and am going to try and take it easy to hopefully illeviate the discomfort somewhat.  They changed a couple of my meds and have me wearing a lidocaine patch 12 hours out of the day.  We are hoping it will help.  I'm just starting it today.  They also have me wearing compression socks because I'm so swollen from the steroids.  It's crazy the side effects medicines can have.  Ive gained a lot of weight from them and everything I've read about it basically tells you there's not much you can do.  It's really frustrating because I don't have the energy to exercise and until we know what's going on with my pain they want me to keep activity at a minimal so I don't cause more damage.  Hopefully we will know more soon.  

I'm going to lay down now and try to take a nap.  My evening is going to consist of making hamburgers for dinner and going to bed.  I hope you have a good rest of your day.  I will post more later.  

1 comment:

  1. I really pray that they can get to the bottom of the pain. It is hard to believe that it is almost a year since the transplant. Continue to think about you an pray for you Heather.😚
