Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday August 31

This morning was bad.  I was in horrible pain.  On top of the pain I was more nauseous than I have been.  I tried putting that puzzle Sandy brought me together again.  I got almost the whole thing done except for 3 pieces.  

At lunchtime the nurse brought me my medicine and almost immediately after taking it I was vomiting.   Things have been worse but they are pretty bad today.  I called the nurse and was given some extra zofran.  

Colin stopped and hung out with me for a little bit when he was done with work.  We took a couple of walks and watched some tv.  He had to leave to go home and feed the dogs.  I watched a couple episodes of One Tree Hill.  

Mom showed up around dinner.  She brought me more suck on candies and mints.  She was hungry so I went down to the cafeteria with her.  We came back and decided to play IZZI.  We played for about a half hour and didn't solve it.  Oh well...there's always next time. Now I'm determined so I'm going to solve the puzzle!  

She went home.  I am laying in the hospital bed extremely sick to my stomach.  I don't really have much to say except for I hope to feel better tomorrow.  Say a little prayer for me tonight.  Goodnight!  Sweet dreams!

Monday August 31

So far today has been awful!  I'm really sick to my stomach.  I threw up my pain meds.  They are doing what they can to keep me comfortable but my stomach is churning.  I'm in a funk today.  It's pretty difficult dealing with the doctors in Lancaster and the ones from Pittsburgh.  I got an email from Mary in Pittsburgh.  She is on vacation this week but wants me to go to Pittsburgh next Tuesday.   I may end up staying there indefinitely.  Things are starting to come together and I am starting to get anxious.  I'll write more later :)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Additional tid bits from today.

I went into the bathroom this morning, sat on the toilet, started peeing and then I saw a fairly large bug crawl out the shower.  The nurse came in to the bathroom during my screams.  She got a tupperwear container she trapped it, slid a piece of paper underneath.  It was a cockroach!!! A massively huge cockroach!! (At least in my eyes. 

Sunday August 30

Today has been difficult.  The change in my meds has really been affecting me negativity.  Slurred speech, confusion, etc.  I'm feeling awful.  There's nothing on tv.  I've been doing some more reading. 

 Kelly stopped in with Thomas.   We played go fish.  He played a couple games and then he got hungry so we went to the lunchroom to eat.   We took a walk outside.  We went back to the room and  we played a couple rounds of tic tac toe.  There was a commotion in the hallway and things were a little crazy with another alarm in the hallway so we stayed in the room. She left and went home to help Matt around the house. 

Then Colin came to visit in the afternoon.  He stayed for a few hours. Amber stopped In with the boys.  We watched the Movie Despicable Me.   I had lots of cheese curls in my bed but the snuggle time made it worth it. They colored me a picture too.   We had a lot of fun.  Shawn and Courtney stopped for a little while too.  We had a busy day today with different visitors.  I walked 10 times today which is pretty good.  I'm really hoping to feel better tomorrow with all the medications and pray that my body will cooperate.  

Saturday August 29

Today was another day of excrutiating pain. Mom came in to visit but dad was home mowing the yard. He stopped yesterday morning bright and early to say hello.  

Today Colin brought in all the packages that were left after the golf tournament along with ones that had been coming in the mail. The rest of the stuff from the house have been moved.   There are a couple of things left at the house that we need to move to Cyndee's.  Not too much though.  Hopefully we can get it all in a day.  That's really it for today....


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Friday August 27

Today has been a very difficult day.  I woke up in excrutiating pain and it only seems to be getting worse with my new medicine.  They are telling me it takes a few days to get in my system.  The medicine is really effecting my memory.  

On a lighter note....Shawn came in to visit.  After he left Mom stopped for a visit.  We watched a movie in bed.  She went home early that way Amber could come for a visit later to help break up the day.  

Amber came in and brought some stuff to do.  I'm trying to occupy myself with something different all the time.  So far...She has been doing so much to occupy my time and to check in on me.  She's beautiful!!   Until next time- goodnight

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday August 26

They lowered my dose of pain meds today.  I had a terrible day and the pain was worse than it had previously been.  It was a really tough day for me.  Even though I was feeling crappy...I forced myself to get up and walk.  

Mom stopped in for a visit on her way home from work.  She stayed for a little bit and went home to take care of the dog.  Amber stopped in this afternoon.  The twins started school yesterday the 26th.  They really enjoyed it. 

Kindergarten here they come!!!

After talking to the boys a little bit about their day, we decided to play a game.  When Sandy came to visit yesterday she brought me two games.  One of the games was IZZI.  I have never played before and neither has Amber.  After about ten minutes we figured out how to play.   The twins joined in too.  We worked on it for about a half-hour until we were out of moves.  

After this game we played go fish and then took a walk.  They left to go home.  I'm still in excruciating pain but am trying to not make it worse.  I'm chilling out and watching more of One Tree Hill.  Goodnight...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday August 26

Some of medications were changed again today.  I'm having a really hard time and am in a lot of pain.  Today was a difficult day.  I'm having another arms and legs twitch and I can't do anything to keep it from happening.

I colored some more pictures today.  I started reading a book.  Colin stopped in the early afternoon and stayed for a few hours.  We started a game of Rummy.  In the middle of our game....

My interesting story for today...I was laying in bed and heard this gulpin, bubbling sort of noise coming from the bathroom.   Apparently the toilet in my room is some how connected to the toilet in the room next door.  The toilets were clogged and started overflowing.  The maintenance guys came to the room to fix it.  In the meantime they moved me to another room until it was fixed. Colin left to go home and take care of the dogs.   After about an hour I was able to move back to my room. 

I got back to my room and the nurse explained the dosage differences etc.  I laid down for a little while.  I had a surprise visitor tonight.  My friend Sandy from work stopped in for a visit.  She brought me books, a game and a puzzle.  I'm excited to play the game and work on the puzzle.   Mom stopped in this evening as well.  She brought in the tshirts to go through.  We went through and pulled out a variety of tshirts for Dr. Harborson.  He paid for 20 of them.  We marked them and will drop them off at his office as long as I am out of here.  There's only a few left. 

Mom and Sandy left for the day.  I started reading my book and I'm getting ready to turn on my Netflix so I can continue watching One Tree Hill.  

Well...time for me to go.  Goodnight.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday August 25

The doctor came in this morning along with a pain management doctor.  They talked to Pittsburgh and everyone is on the same page.  They are changing my medications around and trying to find a mix that will help with the pain and nausea without taking any sort of narcotic medicine.  I'm probably going to be here a few more days which kind of sucks but they are going to make sure I am where I need to be by the time I go home.  

After the doctors left I had a couple of visitors.  Tom came with Brooke, Max and Grayson.  They stayed and kept me company for a while.  After they left I made my first piece of jewelry compliments of Jeremy and Janel.  

I'm excited to make something else tomorrow.  
Mom stopped after work this evening and brought some work and her laptop in.  She sat beside me working while I watched tv.  She just left so I'm going to put on my One Tree Hill and watch a couple of episodes before I fall asleep.  

Sweet dreams!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday August 24

The doc came in this morning.  He was still waiting for Pittsburgh answers  before changing.  I got up, took a walk, showered and colored in my coloring book.  

Colin came in today.  He stayed for a little while.  After Colin left, I had some company.  Jeremy and Janel stopped in for a visit.   They brought a jewelry making kit!  I'm excited to try it!!  It's something for me to do to keep me occupied.  
This is awesome!!  Jeremy and Janel stayed for a little bit.  While they were here, my Mom stopped.  She brought me some suck on candies because they sometimes settle my nausea.  Jeremy Janel left.  Amber stopped in with SpongeBob monopoly.  We sat on my bed and played Monopoly.  One note:  the boys don't like losing and they will get mad or talk themselves out of a mess.  Caden especially.  That little bugger will argue with me on how many spaces he should go and then confuse me until I agree with him.  They left after a few hours.  

They left around 8.  I have to try and remember to talk to the doctor in the morning because I have twitching going on in my legs and arms at times.  I will be lying still and they will jerk around.  I'm not sure what it is but I'm hoping he can give me some insight.  Time for bed!  Until tomorrow....goodnight!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday August 23

I had a rough night last night.  The pain was unbearable.  That pain continued throughout the day today.  Colin came to the hospital around 11.  He brought cards so we had something to do.  We used the hospital tray set the cards up for rummy.  We played a couple of rounds and then Shawn and Courtney stopped in to visit.  While they were here the doctor decided to put me on a pain pump.  My company left shortly after and I tried to nap.  

The nurse came in a few minutes later and set up the pain pump.  It's a pump with dilaudid.  There's a button that I can push every 8 minutes and it delivers medication at a slow rate.  The pump doesn't seem effective enough to keep my pain at bay.  The nurse has a call in to the doctor to see what options we have. 

Mom came in this evening.  We went for a walk and started watching a movie.  She left to go in to work and I'm back to watching One Tree Hill.  The doctors are supposed to call tomorrow and they will give us the next step for me.  I will update you.  Thanks and I will talk to you tomorrow.  Goodnight!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday August 22

This morning was uneventful.  There were 3 helicopters today.  It's so sad.  Mom came in for about an hour to visit.  

I'm in a horrible amount of pain today.  Luckily I haven't thrown up at all yet.  I watched One Tree  Hill most of the afternoon.  Colin came in around lunchtime.  He got me up and we went outside and I walked around the block.  It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed the change of scenery.  

Colin left to go home and I took a nap.  Amber stopped in a little after 8 with the twins.  We played Chutes and Ladders and did some pages in their learning books.  They stayed for a little while.  They wore me out.  I've been fighting off the hiccups for the last hour.  Well...I'm hoping to feel better by morning.  Have a good night!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday August 21

The doctor came in this morning to talk to me.  They are going to do what they can to keep me comfortable but they are running out of options.  They are waiting to hear back from Pittsburgh on what the next step is.  I know of a couple hurdles to get over - Pittsburgh wants me to see a psychologist who specializes in medical catastrophes in order to prepare myself for the surgery.  The thing is...I'm not out of the hospital enough to make an appointment.  I've had two already that had to be cancelled.  They want to make sure my head is clear going in to such a major surgery. I feel like I'm ready and mentally prepared but I have to follow their protocol in order to be listed.  

On another note.....I've seen this helicopter four times since yesterday.  It's sad because you know the person on it is seriously injured or sick.  It makes me sad to see but it also puts my life into perspective.

I hope that I don't see any more of them.  On another note.  Colin came in and we took a walk outside.  The cupcake truck was out front so we bought some cupcakes to bring in for the nurses.  It was a nice surprise and they really appreciated it.  

Colin left to get a haircut and run some errands.  I'm currently sitting in the hospital watching more episodes of One Tree Hill.  This will be my fun for the evening!  Have a good night!  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday August 20

This morning was uneventful.  The doctor came in and said that I should stay on my iv meds until they get the zofran and other nausea meds working.  I did some coloring this afternoon.   Colin came to see me after lunch.  The boys left Candylabnd at the hospital.  Colin and I played Candyland three times.  The best out of 3.  I won 2 games 😀. 

After Colin, I read a little and watched a movie.  My brother and Courtney stopped for a visit.  They stayed for a couple of hours.  After they left I turned on the Netflix and continued watching One Tree Hill.  So far it's pretty good.  

There's nothing else to report.  Until tomorrow...

Wednesday August 19

Last night I had a surprise visit from Courtney and her mom.  It was nice to have a break in my evening.  They stayed for a couple of hours.  

This morning the doctor came in to see how I am feeling.  Not much has changed.  The nausea is a little less but it's still a constant feeling.  I didn't dry heave or vomit at all yet today so that's a positive.

Colin came to visit after work.  The weather has been pretty humid and he's working in the back of a truck with no central air.  The weather is definitely starting to take a toll on him.  He rarely sees me because of his work schedule but he is trying to get in to the hospital every day.  I hope to get out of here soon so he can get some rest.  

After Colin's visit, Amber brought the twins in.  We played Chutes and Ladders.  It was fun until the boys got upset when we wouldn't let them be a treat.  

My dressing over my iv was coming loose and needed to be changed.  It's a sterile procedure so I have to wear a mask while they are doing it.   The boys wanted to watch so they were given masks too.  

The nurse was calling them doctor and gave them blue gloves as well.  Caden put on his gloves and told me to take off my shoes.  I took them off and he started massaging my feet.  They left a few minutes later.

Well....enough for today.  Have a good night!  

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday August 18

Today has been fairly uneventful.  I was moved late last night from the observation unit in the hospital to a regular hospital bed.  Luckily I am on the 8th floor where the nurses have a little better understanding than other areas because they are used to me.  

I have been doing some reading and coloring.  I'm sitting here now watching Say Yes to the Dress.  I'm hooked on this show and have been since before my wedding.  It's nice to have some mindless entertainment every once in a while.  

Courtney is coming in to visit me after she's done with work this evening.   It will be a break in my day since Colin wasn't able to make it in today.  He had a meeting after work today and it took up most of the afternoon.

Not much new to report.  Hopefully I will have some results tomorrow.  Until then- goodnight!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday August 17

Another day of me being sick.  I'm waiting for Dr. Harborson to speak to Mary in Pittsburgh to see what the next step is.  

I woke up sick to my stomach.  I was throwing up off and on all day today.  I'm being moved from observation to an admitting room.  I think the doctors are frustrated because they have no idea what to do anymore.  They don't like me being here any more than they do.  

I started watching One Tree Hill for the first time.  I never watched it when it was on tv.  It's going to be my new obsession of something to do while I'm in the hospital.

There's really not much else to report.  I will touch base tomorrow.  Until then....goodnight! 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday August 16

Today has been a crappy day.  I am extremely nauseous and am having horrible pain.   I can't seem to get either of them under control today.  It's awful.  

Colin came in early this morning and was here for a couple of hours.  He was worn  out after his long day yesterday.  While Colin was here Shawn stopped in to visit.   He didn't stay long because he had to go grab something to fix Courtney's car.  He's worked nag out of town with Dad.  Colin left to go home and take care of the dogs.  

Then I got a surprise visit from Carter and Caden.   They stopped on their way back from the zoo. They were taking pictures of the animals with their tablets.  The boys love taking pictures.  Amber stayed for about two hours.  We went for a walk to get me up and moving.  After the walk they packed up and headed home.  

Around 5:00 or so Shawn came back and brought Courtney with him.  They stayed with me for about an hour and Shawn had to go home and pack for the week.   

I'm laying down now with a cold washcloth on my forehead.  Hopefully something will give soon.  I will keep saying my prayers and hope that something lets up soon.  I will keep you posted.  Say some prayers for me tonight.  

Until tomorrow.   Goodnight.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday August 15

Sorry I didn't write yesterday.  It was a long day.  I woke up in the morning not feeling well.  Then the vomiting started.  I had low blood pressure again.  My heart rate was in the 130's and I had horrible pressure in my chest.  I called Dr. Harborson's office and he said to go to the ER for fluids.

Cyndee took me to the ER.  Luckily when I got there they weren't too busy.  I only waited around 20 minutes until they got me a room.  Once I was back there they gave me a bolus of fluids and nausea medicine.  About an hour later I still wasn't feeling well so they gave me more.   The doctor came into the room and said it was up to me.  I could try going home and see how I feel or they could admit me.  I was feeling a little better so I decided to go home.  

Amber and her wonderful friend Kat came over to make Jell-O shots for the golf tournament today and they made pasta salad and coleslaw for after the tournament.  They left around 7.  I took my medicine and put on my tpn and went to bed.

I woke up early this morning not feeling too well.  I got ready for the golf tournament.  Amber and Bobby picked me up because Colin went over at 4am to set up.  I got there at 7 and it was already insane.   There were so many people there.   And it didn't start until 7:30.  I said hello to everyone that I could.  At one point I wasn't feeling so well.  I had David drive me to the clubhouse and I ran into the bathroom throwing up.  It was awful and embarrassing. I found Colin and let him know that I was really sick.  He found Matt and asked him to take me home.  Matt and I left and he dropped me off at my parent's because no one was home at my house.  I sent Dr. Harborson a message and he said to come straight to the hospital, he was going to direct admit me.  

My Dad got ready and drove me to the hospital.  They brought me to a room after about a half hour of waiting in the admissions department.  Once in my room I started throwing up and couldn't stop.   It was the worst feeling.  My dad kept going in the hallway and trying to get them to give me my medicine but they couldn't give me anything until the iv team checked my PICC line and ok'd it for use.  It took them an hour.  All the while I was vomiting.

When they finally came and gave me my nausea medicine I was able to relax a little and the vomiting slowed significantly.  The doctor told me I'm going to be here until at least Monday.  

Colin did an amazing job today with the golf tournament.  I want to thank everyone for their help!  Everyone is saying it was an amazing day!  I'm really sad that I missed it but it was a huge success.  I will post pictures once they become available to me.'s been a long day.  I'm going to try taking a nap since I didn't sleep last night.   Thank you a million times over to my amazing husband, sister and friends for everything they did today!  Love you all!   Goodnight!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Thursday August 13

I was discharged from the hospital today.  It was later in the afternoon.  Still having a lot of pain and nausea. I spent the evening watching Amber make Jell-O shots for the golf tournament.  She also made some side dishes for the picnic afterwards.  It was great to have the help.  At one point I laid in the bed and fell asleep. I didn't have time to finish my update yesterday.   I'm home and hopefully I can stay there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday August 12

Yes....I'm still in the hospital.  My Bp was really low this morning so they are keeping me another day.  

Today was pretty uneventful.  Mom came to visit this evening and so did Brynn.  It was really nice to break up my day.  I did some coloring today and now I'm watching One Tree Hill.   I never watched it when it was on tv so I figure it will keep me busy for a while.  

Not much else to report.  I am hopefully going home tomorrow.   Fingers Crossed!  Good night!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday August 11

The doctor came in this morning and said that they can't send me home today because I was sick yesterday.  Kind of sucks but I know it's for the best.  

My day was pretty uneventful.   Colin came in after work for a few hours and we worked on some golf stuff.   After he left Dana came in to visit for about an hour.  She left and mom showed up.  Mom stayed for a little bit and then she had to go back to work.  Then Amber came with the boys.   They are always a nice surprise.   They stayed for a few hours.   All the visitors and my lack of sleep are leaving me exhausted today.  

I'm laying in bed.  Hopefully I'll get some sleep.  I'm waiting for my nurse to give me my meds and hopefully that helps.   Until tomorrow....goodnight!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday August 10

The day started out ok.  The doctor wants me to start eating a little more.  I ate my breakfast, no problems.   Lunch was a disaster.  I had pretzels and a little bit of pudding.  Immediately after I ate I started throwing up.  It was awful! 

Mom showed up right after I had gotten sick.  She brought me some popscicles and hard candies.  She also brought me a beautiful orchid.  It's a very pretty purple color.  Hopefully I can keep it alive!  She left and went back to work.  

After mom left, I had a surprise visitor!!  Susie Hager (Mehgan's mom).  She brought me some reading material and an adult coloring book with colored pencils.  She stayed for a few hours and kept me company.  It was nice having her visit.  After she left I broke out the coloring book and colored for a few hours.   It's very therapeutic!  

It's a pretty cool book.  It took my mind off of being sick.  Right now I'm watching more Chopped.  I'm hooked.  I'm hoping to be discharged tomorrow but after my episode today I don't know what they are going to say.  I guess time will tell.  I'm laying down and will hopefully get some sleep tonight.  I will update tomorrow on my status.   Have a good night!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday August 9

Yes...that's right....still in the hospital.   The good news is that they started me on a liquid diet today and I didn't throw up at all.   The doctor wants me to stay on iv meds through today and start taking everything orally tomorrow and hopefully home on Tuesday.   Fingers crossed.

Don't ask me why but my new obsession is watching Chopped.   I think it's a sense of self torture.   All the food etc.  it's fun to watch and choose favorites.   That's what I've been doing the last two hours.  

Colin came in to the hospital bright and early.  He stayed for a couple of hours.  Amber came in with Carter and Caden and we played some games.   After Amber left, Shawn and Courtney stopped in for a visit.  I had a full day of visitors today which was very nice.  

I don't have any new news.  Hopefully tomorrow I will get some answers.   Until then...goodnight.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday August 8

Pretty boring morning this morning.  Nothing too exciting happened.  

Colin came in in the afternoon because he had a bunch of errands to run before he came in.   While he was here we had surprise visitors :). 

Jamie came in with Aubrey and this beautiful bundle of joy, Elizabeth.  It was a nice surprise.   Aubrey made the most beautiful card for me that Colin hung on the wall.  

It was a nice little gift.  They stayed for a few hours.   Colin left and after he left my brother and Courtney came.  Shortly after he got here Jamie left with the kiddos.  Shawn stayed for a little while.  He watched tv with me and we talked for a little bit.   They left after a couple of hours.

This morning the doctor decided to advance my diet.  They brought me a dinner tray and I ate pretzels and some pudding.  About 10 minutes after I ate I started to feel really ill.  I went into the bathroom and threw up.  I rang the nurse and let her know.   They gave me more iv Zofran to help with the nausea.  I'm still not feeling very well.  They are going to monitor me more tomorrow and make a decision then.  

I'm laying down now and hoping to get some rest.  Praying for the nausea to stop.  I will touch base again tomorrow.   Until then....goodnight 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday August 7

I'm still in the hospital.   They are trying to control my pain and nausea with oral meds before sending me home.  They are weaning me off of the iv meds and onto the oral.  It's probably going to take a couple of days for my body to adjust so who knows when I'll get out of here.

I finished watching orange is the new black today.  Now I just have to find something else to occupy my time.   Colin came in this morning bright and early and stayed with me for a few hours.  Cyndee came in this afternoon which was a nice surprise.   She stopped on her way home from work.   Then Brooke came with Libby.   They brought me cards, a word search book, nail polish and lip gloss.   It was a nice surprise.  They all stayed for a couple of hours.  After they left I watched a movie.  

My day wasn't too exciting today other than my visitors.  Mom and Dad went to Altoona this weekend for a visit.   Mom is losing her voice and had a sore throat so it's good they aren't home because I don't want to get sick and I know she'll want to come and visit.   Amber and the boys are sick too so they are staying away.

I really don't have anything new to report.  We still didn't get the results from the blood cultures they took yesterday.  Hopefully they are clear and there's no infection.  I am getting pretty sleepy.  I'm going to lay down and hopefully I will get some sleep tonight.   Until then, have a good night! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday August 6

This morning I woke up feeling like crap.   The nurse took my blood pressure and it was 84/56.  My heart rate was 126.  They called the doctor and he came to my room to do an assessment.   They decided to discontinue the medicine they started this week and gave me a bolus of fluids.  

My pain was getting worse as the day progressed.  The doctor was finally able to give me medicine to help with the nausea and pain.  

I've been spending my evening watching Orange is the New Black.  There's something about trash TV that makes me feel better about how crappy things are for me at times.   

I'm feeling a little better this evening because my favorite nurse Katy is on duty this evening and she will be with me until 7 tomorrow morning.  That's my positive for today.  

I am going to lay down and hopefully get some rest tonight.   Until tomorrow....goodnight.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday August 5

Still in the hospital yet again today.  They are keeping me overnight to monitor my output and to see whether or not the medicine they have me on is working to slow things down.

My day was pretty uneventful today.   Mom and Colin came in to visit.   I also had a nice surprise visit from my friend Lisa and her boys Chance and Chase.  It was a nice break in the day.  They stayed for a little bit and she brought me some magazines and hand sanitizer :). You have to love her!!!   

This evening I've been watching Orange is the new Black on Netflix.   I'm almost done with season 3.  I just remembered that I have two redbox movies at the house.  They are going to end up costing me a boatload of money.  I rented them last week.   Oh well.....

Colin said everything is put away at his Mom's.   That's good news.  Hopefully he got the TV hung and we can actually sleep in our bed instead of on the couch.  It will be nice going home and not worrying about all of the boxes scattered throughout the house and wondering how it is going to get put away.  

I'm going to try to lay down and get some rest tonight. I will touch base tomorrow.   Hopefully I have good news that I'm being discharged.   Have a good night!  Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday August 4

I'm still in the hospital.  I'm waiting for the doctor to tell me whether or not I'm staying another night.  He's going to have to make his rounds soon because they will need a ton order from him if I'm staying.  I've paged the nurse a couple of times but haven't seen anyone yet.   I got out of bed today, showered, and went for a walk to the gift shop.  I got a couple of things to keep me busy.  

Apparently they are short staffed right now on the floor because the nurses are scarce.   It's really unusual.  I'm not sure what's going on.   I really don't have too much to say today.  I'm just laying here and waiting.  Hopefully the nurse comes soon.  My pump keeps beeping and pretty soon it is going to drive me to insanity.  

I will keep you posted if anything changes at all.   Until then.....have a good evening. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday August 3

I'm still in the hospital.   They are keeping me overnight yet tonight.  Hopefully I will be well enough to go home tomorrow.   Should be interesting.

I actually slept last night into this morning.  I don't recall but apparently they came and got blood and I slept right through it.  

The doctor called Mary in Pittsburgh and they have come up with a plan for me to follow.  They just have to make sure that insurance is on board with it.  

So until tomorrow.....goodnight!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday August 2

Last night was a rough night.  I was up dry-heaving most of the night.   It was definitely no fun at all!  My day today has consisted of me trying to catch up from last night.  I tried napping but everyone keeps waking me up.

I'm just laying here now and trying to get some rest.  I hope that tonight goes a little better.   Dr.  Harborson thinks that I need to be monitored another night so I'm here now and staying until he thinks I'm well enough to go home.

I've been trying to organize myself for the golf tournament.  There's a lot to be done in a little bit of time.  It's going to be a hectic day.   Well....for now....I'm going to lay back down.   Until tomorrow....goodnight!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Saturday August 1

After waiting 2 1/2 hours in the waiting room last night I was finally seen in the ER.   By the time they took me back I was shaking uncontrollably, having a hard time breathing and vomiting non-stop.  The doctor in the ER asked if I was feeling anxious.  I told him I felt extremely restless like I couldn't sit still.  He thought maybe it was a reaction to the phenergan.  

After the nurses checked my PICC line to make sure the iv was good, they gave me a dose of zofran, a dose of Benadryl and a dose of dilaudid.  I started to feel better almost immediately.  The doctor said that it almost proves that the symptoms I was having is because of the medication.  He said they should keep me overnight to monitor me so I was admitted.

I saw Dr. Harborson today and he agreed that he thought it was the phenergan.  I've been taking it a lot so it could have been an underlying cause of my symptoms for a while now.  It's crazy to me that they give you a medicine for something and that med creates a whole new set of symptoms.   

For now they are putting phenergan on my allergy list so that no one else gives it to me.  I am currently just laying in my hospital bed and watching Bravo.  Trash tv is the best when you feel like this.  I'm being kept overnight tonight as well because I'm still not feeling the best.  Hopefully we are on to something with the phenergan and I don't have those symptoms anymore.  It was pretty scary.

Praying that I will be well enough to go home tomorrow.   I will touch base a little later.   Have a good day.